- 招聘数量:10
- 工作地点:北京
- 职位要求:
欧亚明星(北京)翻译有限公司招聘启事 Welcome Part Time Translators and Proof Readers from Different Countries to Join Us岗位说明/ Job Description
1. 负责公司日常稿件的翻译或校对工作,内容可能涉及:与本国相关的政治、财经和文体类新闻、商务宣传资料、法律合同、文学作品等; 1. Translate or proof read documents concerning different fields from political or financial news, business propaganda, legal documents, technical instruction to literary books.
2. 招聘语种包括:英语、法语、日语、韩语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、意大利语、葡萄牙语和其它语种。 2. We welcome native speakers of different languages to join us, and English, French, Japanese, Korean, German, Russian, Spanish and Arabic are especially urgent.
3. 如应聘译员具有特定专业背景,可推荐开展相关专业稿件的翻译和校对工作; 3. Any applicant with certain professional background will be recommended to participate in the translation or interpretation projects of relevant industries.
4. 如应聘者乐于承接口译项目,也可提供口译机会。 4. If any applicant is willing to provide interpretation service, we may offer plenty of opportunities as well.
任职要求/Job qualifications
1. 学习汉语三年以上,应聘兼职笔译和审校工作者需具备基础汉语听说能力,同时汉语阅读能力精熟;应聘口译者需听说能力纯属; 1. More than 3 years’ Chinese learning experience. The applicant for translator or proof reader is supposed to have basic listening and speaking skills in Chinese and proficient Chinese reading comprehension ability. Proficient listening and speaking skills are required for interpreter applicants;
2. 具有高度责任心,能够保质保量完成翻译项目; 2. Highly responsible, guarantee the translation project to be completed in time with the best quality;
3. 熟练操作微软Office系统,并会使用WORD中的修订功能; 3. Good at Microsoft Office Software and the revising function in WORD;
4. 拥有较充足的时间和基本的汉语沟通能力。 4. Sufficient time and basic Chinese communication skills.
欧亚明星(北京)翻译有限公司外籍兼职审校申请表 Foreign Translator or Proof Reader Application Form
外文名/ Name in your Language: 中文名/Chinese Name:
性别/ Gender:
国籍/ Nationality:
语言/Native Language:
可从事工作/Part Time Job Preferred: 翻译/Translation: □ 校对/Proof Reading: □ 口译/Interpretation: □
联系方式 Contact Information
手机/Cell Phone:
北京住址/Address in Beijing:
备注/Remarks: (e.g. When do you plan to go back to your home country?)
请发送简历至:hr@wastars,com QQ: 1419393742 注明您要应聘的职位。更多招聘,请查看智联招聘网,搜索欧亚明星翻译。